Eric So

If you're a serious toy collector then you'll either have a couple of Eric So figures in your collection, or you'll be dreaming of having some. Eric So, together with Michael Lau, made the world sit up and take notice of Hong Kong's ability to compete head on with Japan's massive toy figure industry. Eric carved a unique niche for himself with his meticulous studies of Hong Kong's other great export, Bruce Lee, collaborations with fashion companies such as SSUR, Devilock and Vicky Lam's Real Clothing Brand, and his Estate set of figures, based on the Hong Kong of his youth. Full of humour and attention to detail, Eric's work is now some of the most highly sought after in the world.

Eric:"I don't think anyone would have guessed how boring and relentless my work can be. Many people think that being a designer is a glamourous job, but I can assure you it's not. My daily routine is to stay at home, speak to my suppliers, go to meetings, go back and carry on working. It is hard working as a one-man band. I do absolutely everything myself: from design, quality control, marketing and promotion, to going to the bank, posting letters even buying my own lunch! So I guess minus all the chores, my work, designing is definitely fun."

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